Kristie Chairil

Writer and Editor

United States

Here’s something you probably know: people need what your organization provides — both consumers and other businesses. But how do you stand out to them in your industry? How do you build meaningful relationships with them?

You need good written copy.

As a freelance writer, I can take the task of producing content off your hands so you can do what you do best — run your business. You know the value you offer. Let’s make sure your customers and business partners know, too.

I write and edit for companies in the travel, health, and security sectors, driving higher engagement and conversion through their websites. The following written forms represent most of my current work, but I’m always learning more in order to offer greater value:

- blog posts
- web pages
- articles
- white papers
- press releases

Let's connect and discuss your next project!


B2B Industrial/Manufacturing Articles

Travel Articles

TravelAge West
Go West, Online and In Person

I talked to vendors and travel agents who attended TravelAge West's Western States Virtual Expo about what they're looking forward to in the coming year of travel.

White Papers