Joshua Powell

Joshua Powell is an enthusiastic and accomplished sailboat racer with a prominent standing in the sailing community. He has competed in prestigious events such as the Vintage Gold Cup, Bacardi Cup, and Miami Star Winter Series, earning recognition as a dedicated and skilled athlete in the Star Class and beyond. Powell’s passion for the sport shines through in his impressive performances at sailing competitions across Michigan and Miami.

Certified Consumer Reviews
Joshua Powell

Joshua Powell is a Competitive Sailboat Racing Enthusiast. He competes in sailing events and regatta in Michigan and Miami.

Joshua Powell

Joshua Powell is a sailboat racing enthusiast. He participates in competitive sailing events, including regatta in Michigan and Miami.

Scuttlebutt Sailing News: Providing sailing news for sailors
Record turnout for 2024 Bacardi

The 97th Bacardi Cup and the Bacardi Invitational Regatta will break all past entry records with an unprecedented 213 teams gearing up in 2024 to compete


Vintage Gold Cup