Jack Palfrey

Freelance Writer

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What the Gatwick drone says about life today

"We live in a time where constant technological advances are changing the fabric of the world around us at every level. In the last couple of years, the realities of this have made themselves all too clear, and we’ve finally been seeing greater calls for state intervention in the world of tech. The only problem is, how can we expect any progressive change when those in charge of doing the regulating apparently have the technological know-how of someone that’s just came out of a fifty-year coma?"

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Why are we living in an age of conspiracy theories?

"Navigating this often-overbearing, information-driven society we live in and trying to find truth in it is an increasingly difficult task but, while scepticism and being autonomous in our search for knowledge is perfectly healthy, we must be wary of letting contemporary thought be hijacked by those with divisive, polarising agendas."

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Big Data vs The Sesh: The bigger problem with Uber knowing when you're too drunk

"It's clear that there’s a lot to be gained for certain parties with our drunken behavioural traits being added to the swarms of data we already outpour... it’s a pessimistic vision but it feels like an inevitable step in the profit-driven quest for Big Data to colonise all corners of human social experience, carving out a whole new data set for any interested party to play with as they please."

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Algorithms and mass-production: what happens to culture in a time of Netflix and Chill? - Screen...

Last month Netflix's CFO David Wells announced that in 2018 alone the streaming giant would be forking out upwards of $8 billion on producing 700 original titles. For relentless binge-watchers and professional procrastinators alike, this was probably equally exciting and daunting news. However [...] this is in many ways emblematic of the attention-driven digital economy we now find ourselves in, defined by sheer excess and algorithmic consumption, and its effect on how we consume culture.