Chadwick T. Ahn

Writing Samples

United States

Below are clippings that Chadwick wrote for a variety of projects (templates, SOPs, scripts, ads, blog posts, etc.). Please feel free to check out the links and contact him if you'd like to request additional samples.

DFINITY internal documentation example
Support Team IKB

As the Content Lead, I was in charge of creating a internal knowledge base from scratch. Overtime, the team's IKB grew to house multiple internal and external processes, along with links to helpful tutorials and resources to guide fresh team members, leadership, and cross-functional teams

DFINITY social media example
Support Content Videos - Social Media Initiative

To promote the excellent support content that my team created, we teamed up with cross-function teams to link support articles with videos to the organization's social platforms. This not only increased visibility in my team's content, but also garnered positive attention to the organization.

DFINITY internal documentation example
Employee Process Token Distribution

I found the need for an internal documentation that could guide employees on the complicated process of accessing their tokens and deciding on a custody solution.

DFINITY FAQs organization example
FAQs Mastersheet

As Content Lead, I organized and managed all FAQs to make it easy to keep track of updates, approvals, tags, and when articles need to be reviewed. All charges were reflected in the mastersheet, making it the source of truth.

DFINITY internal documentation example
Support Team Content Style Guide

To create uniform content across the team (faqs, macros, ikbs), I drafted a style guide which covers how certain content should be formatted and in what voice. The documentation helped new team members adjust to our tone and kept content and ticket replies under one style.

DFINITY stats example
FAQ Google Analytics

As I was in charge of managing the Zendesk Help Center, I naturally keep a close eye on statistics and how individual articles were performing. This is an example of a high level overview of the HC performance.

Hydrangeas on Fire

Hydrangeas on Fire [A. C. Ahn] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Noel Ashman grows up in a troubled household; after his mother abandons him, his abusive father perishes in a mysterious fire. Despite his bitter childhood

The Ahn Bros | Writing Blog
Pretending (@ 4th & King Street Station)

He preached, begged, coiled, screamed, teached, said: unspeakable things. The receiver melted in his tight grasp as those around heard, “At last, at last!” Tears of joy flowed down his fizz beard, muffled sobs masked behind his cheers. The payphone smiled wearing child’s teeth, keys zero and one detached with relief. Suddenly he jerked, waking from a dream, pulled his cart close for his soul to lean. The cord long gone, the muted phone fell— the old man back to his daily hell.