Camilla Ker

Freelance writer


I am a freelance journalist and fiction writer from London and Melbourne. I live on an eco village in beautiful central Finland where I grow my own food and live the simple life . I have a special interest in food, farming and family issues.

10 Ways I Got Through The Day When My Baby Was in Open Heart Surgery

Hello. Camilla here, a mumma with a CHD baby and your new Heart Kids guest blogger. This post was going to be called '10 ways to get through the day when your baby is in open heart surgery' until I realised how deeply personal that is and what works for one person may not work for another.

My natural parent wins and utter fails

When I was pregnant, my idea of how I was going to be with my baby was aaall about natural parenting. My non-negotiables were: Baby-wearing: I was not going to have a pram. I was going to have a lovely cotton wrap and go about my day, baby in tow.

Transgender man was bullied as a teen - now he's having last laugh

A 20-year-old transgender man has boasted how his sex life with his 22-year-girlfriend is "better than most straight peoples." Born a girl called Magda, Max Damrath, said he knew from an early age that he had been born into the wrong body. At school, cruel bullies pushed Max around and taunted him.

Indie Farmer
Milking It: Small Scale Farming and Mental Health - Indie Farmer

Writer and Cheese maker Camilla Ker A.K.A The Renegade Milkmaid explores the link between Small Scale Farming and Mental Health. It is a Wednesday afternoon and I am walking through the city with the noise of sirens and screaming school kids around me. My best friend calls me.

Brave woman with chronic skin condition is now showing off her body

Her passion for pole dancing has seen her taking part in competitions all over England. But to look at her now you would never guess that Rhiannon White has suffered from psoriasis for most of her life which at one point covered her entire face and 80 percent of her body.

Life Education charity's Harold the giraffe back in Kaikoura

Kaikoura's schools were visited by an exciting guest last week in the form of Harold The Giraffe. The giraffe and his mobile classroom are taught by Genevieve MacDonald for the Life Education charity which educates and empowers children to make healthy choices so they can live full and healthy lives.

New Blogger Heart Kid Mum Camilla & Jesse's story

Hi there! My name is Camilla and I am proud to be a guest blogger for HeartKids. I am a freelance copywriter and whilst I do have an endless amount of fun facts about me that I could list off, what you're probably wondering is, how does this relate to HeartKids?