Zaynab Nakhid

Freelance Writer


Zaynab Nakhid would class herself as a super explorer of the farthest reaches of the imagination. Turning regular cliché spots and over crowded tourist destinations into the stories she sees in her own mind.

Plus the regular stuff like helping humanity through advice blogging and helping herself by doing her actual job as a social media travel writer :).

Kumamoto Japan Tourism Facebook Page
Miso Dengaku 味噌田楽

Miso Dengaku, is a popular winter dish enjoyed by the people of Kumamoto.

Kumamotojet Yoka Online Magazine
The Legend of the Unkai

This is a work of fiction spun from an actual natural phenomenon that occurs in the village of Aso, Kumamoto. The work was submitted to the Yoka an online, Kumamoto JET publication.