Carla M Towns

Motivational Speaker/Writer

United States

I'm the owner of Welcome Home


It was created to instill motivation through poetry, and my personal writing.

A podcast is in progress now to go along with it.

I have Cerebral Palsy, (this means I'm in a wheelchair, I have a gnarly lookin' left hand, and people ask me how I have sex... a lot.)

I'm married to a beautiful transwoman. (Whom I've chosen to stay married to; I had originally met her when she was presenting as a man.)

I've lived through the loss of my child and my mother all before age 26. I turned 26 this year. So, I've got a lot of experiences to draw from, and it would be a waste not to share my resilience with others.

I have a way of showing people their potential. I can give life where there is very little of it.

With my voice and my compassion, it is my goal to move people from victim to victory. I WILL guide others from hopeLESS to hopeFULL.

My voice can move mountains, and it will surely move you.

Whether you're looking for gentle encouragement or a feisty four-foot-seven jalapeno, I AM IT. I GOT IT. I CAN PROVE IT.

We might all look a little different, but we've all got the same heart.

I believe in you.

Academic Work (LDCC)
Empathy Vs Sympathy

They can be used in similar scenarios but differ in relation.