Sophie Janinet

Journaliste Freelance Bilingue - Bilingual Freelance Journalist

Journaliste globe trotter depuis 2007 avec un penchant radiophonique - Anglophile convaincue - Féministe chevronnée @ Georgette Sand - Passionnée de culture anglo-saxonne - Intervenante à l'académie de l'ESJ Lille - Traductrice/éditrice @ Konbini.

Globetrotter journalist since 2007 with a special love for radio - Proud feminist @ Georgette Sand - Long time anglophile - Visiting lecturer @ ESJ Lille - Translator/Editor @ Konbini.

RFI - L'Invité Culture - Isabelle Chenu

L’invitée Culture est aujourd'hui la journaliste Sophie Janinet, membre du collectif Georgette Sand. Elle a coécrit avec une vingtaine d'auteures femmes l'ouvrage « Ni vues ni connues ». Un petit livre de référence qui s'attache à redonner vie à 75 pionnières à travers les âges et sur tous les continents qui ont marqué leur époque et accompli de grandes choses dans tous les domaines, mais que l'histoire officielle a passé sous silence.

The World this week - France 24
Sexual harassment: "What was okay yesterday isn't going to be okay anymore"

Our panel of journalists discuss the FBI investigation looking into possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump presidential campaign; the first successful terrorist attack in New York since 9/11; France’s new anti-terror law; the latest in the Catalonia crisis, Spain considering a European arrest warrant for Puigdemont, and the sexual harassment revelations in British politics. Subscribe to France 24 now: FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news...

BBC - WBNews - Woman Tax - Nov.6th by Sophie Janinet

French stores accused of imposing 'woman tax'- Government agrees to investigate after women's rights groups call on supermarkets to stop sexist pricing policies. France's finance ministry has ordered an inquiry into why female shoppers are paying more than male consumers for apparently identical products.

Les Inrocks
Cannabis : débat fumeux au Sénat

" Si nous faisions passer ce texte, nous aurons peut-être l'occasion, si nous sommes encore vivants d'ici là, de regretter d'avoir accepté votre proposition aujourd'hui. C'est pourquoi nous voterons contre", a déclaré hier Alain Milon, 67 ans, sénateur depuis 11 ans et président de la commission des Affaires sociales.

The Woman Tax @France24 by Sophie Janinet, a Georgette Sand

French stores accused of imposing 'woman tax'- Government agrees to investigate after women's rights groups call on supermarkets to stop sexist pricing policies. France's finance ministry has ordered an inquiry into why female shoppers are paying more than male consumers for apparently identical products.

Les Inrocks
Pourquoi les femmes votent de plus en plus FN ?

"Récemment, Jean-Marie Le Pen a traité Claude Bartolone de 'vraie vulve'. Nous, on ne trouve pas ce mot péjoratif, mais lui, oui." Sourires jaunes dans l'assistance qui fait face à Anne-Cécile Mailfert, porte-parole de l'association Osez le féminisme (OLF), au centre Hubertine-Auclert.

GOOGLE- Features Analysis 20140602 by Sophie Janinet

Few weeks ago, the European Court of Justice ruled in favour of the right of the European Citizens "to be forgotten" online. Complying to this decision, Google published last week a form on its website. Any of the 500 million inhabitants of Europe can now request the suppression of search results if considered armful to them.

Understanding Turkey |

Sophie Janinet As a foreigner living in Turkey for more than two months now, I'm always told by Turkish people that I can't understand Turkey as far as politics are concerned. But I think it's worth trying. In order to do so I interviewed three journalists of differing views.