Kristi Froehlich

Experienced Sr. Internal/External/Marketing Communications Professional

United States

Words matter. And I've been using them effectively to write hundreds of communications over the years. Fun fact--I actually wrote my first article for my middle school newspaper in the sixth grade. I asked teachers and students what they'd give George Washington for his birthday. [Spoiler alert -- dentures and a cherry tree were top answers.]

Since then, I've spent more than 30 years crafting short- and long-form articles, editing complex ideas into arresting communications, and learning to perfect various writing styles, including enticing radio and print ads, emails, headlines, blogs, web content, social media, and more.

I'm detail-oriented and crazy about AP Style. (It's an automatic habit for me to edit billboards, menus, and the such. And double spacing after punctuation makes me crazy as does not using the Oxford comma.)

I'd love to put my skills to work for you. Shoot me an email at [email protected] or contact me at 214.794.8418.

Cyxtera Website
SmartCabs Web Page

A description of Cyxtera's SmartCabs product offering

Blue Cross Blue Shield Aerial Instructions Workbook
Aerial Upgrade Change Management Workbook

A packet of information on the new features of the Aerial software upgrade to explain new features.

Baylor Scott and White Health
Password reset instructions

One in a series of change management communications explaining a new password reset process.

Single-Family Rental Rates Accelerated at 2020's End

Despite elevated unemployment concerns last spring and summer, a report released Tuesday signals a full recovery for both the low- and high -priced rental tiers in the single-family rental market.

DS News
Maneuvering 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Issues

According to Fannie Mae, though causing significant difficulties for today’s homeowners, the COVID pandemic is still not perceived as bad as the 2008 financial crisis
Mortgage Servicing Lessons From Years Past

As we close in on the one-year anniversary of the global COVID-19 pandemic, housing remains a bright spot on the economic landscape, despite challenges such as managing homeowners in forbearance and navigating the impact of foreclosure moratoria.

Prospect/customer quarterly newsletter
Cyxtera newsletter 1Q22

Prospect and customer quarterly newsletter