Good content, especially one used for marketing purposes, doesn’t come out of nowhere.
It comes out of a careful planning of everything: from identifying a target audience, down to the execution of the marketing campaign itself. Though you may already have a clear idea where you want to position your business, you will need some help along the way for such an enormous venture. Specifically, you need a partner who’s willing to listen to your needs, and do the best she can to make your goals come into fruition.
That’s where I come in.
My name is Issa Mirandilla, and I’m ready to help you with your content needs. Whether you need a unique, high-quality and fluff-free blog post, a professional-looking press release, or simply an extra hand in promoting your business on the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Google+, I’m your go-to person.
Feel free to check my portfolio to see whether I’m a fit for you. If it’s a “Yes”, contact me via my personal website below.
I look forward to working with you!
When you graduated from college, what did you imagine the corporate world would be like? Maybe you fancied yourself sashaying into the office in a nice suit, surrounded by likeminded people and finally - finally! - buying that sports car/gadget/designer outfit you always wanted. Well, that's certainly part of the package.
By most standards, you have a good resume. It's at least two pages worth of awards, relevant work experience, and error-free text to your name. Did we mention that's a rather flattering 2×2 picture of you? And, like most jobseekers, you upload your resume to sites like Jobstreet, JobsDB, and
While I was browsing the other day, I came across a job ad that goes like this: Given an 8-hour workday, that wouldn't even earn a fifth of the minimum daily wage in my country! (In the interest of full disclosure, I'm from the Philippines.)
In an ideal world, freelance writers have all the time they need to research, write, and edit each piece they produce to perfection. After all, your clients don't pay you good money to write half-baked and fluff-filled content, do they? Obviously, we don't live in an ideal world.
Many freelancers, especially the new ones, make the mistake of searching for gigs the way they search for corporate job vacancies: they send cover letters and samples to potential clients, hoping that the strength of their application is enough to warrant a response from their prospects.