Blogs on advocacy or advancement
I’m a cross-cultural communication designer and co-creator of the GIFTS framework for content, training, talent, team, product and space development. I help change agents conceive and give birth to programs that catapult growth in people and business.
Are you a game changer, movement maker or an innovative company who'd like to sharpen your vision, find your TED-worthy idea or create your signature system? Message me on Facebook to join my challenge and crystallize your "idea worth spreading".
Blogs on advocacy or advancement
A business-to-business story generates more income when it's both relatable and reusable. To make your client story worth sharing with partners and colleagues, you as a writer need to portray the story's characters well. This is not as complex as you might think.
Let's explore the secrets to wielding your voice in writing customer stories. In this post, I give you one of the concepts that constitute a classic case study. Use them to portray your client as a hero and your brand and solution as their guide.
Relying on expertise or old systems to solve problems pulls your organization down to levels you can control. In a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment, where and how we move does not matter as much as when and why we do.
Training & Development / Teaching and Learning
Much of the teaching that takes place in a classroom is inspired by the teacher's intuition and creativity, and science has nothing to prove or disprove without the hypotheses formulated by the ones who practice or observe the phenomena that occur in their own field of work. Thus, it can be said that science has a lot to learn from the art of teaching, the same way that the art of teaching can be better informed by science.
One cannot expect to succeed in learning a language while violating the very essence of it—the truth is language is more human than mechanical. There are more reasons to believe that adults have the same, if not a better potential than children for learning a second language.
The point in presenting this elaborate design is to show how the breadth and depth of a curricular and instructional plan can provide a clear avenue for developing responsible and life-long learners. As evidenced by the International Baccalaureate (IB) system, this, however, can only be successfully implemented with the help of a broad scholarship of teachers and constant analysis and evaluation of their goals and practices.
Edits: Customer Success Stories
Accenture equipped builders of Airbus to harness hands-free wearables, refine its aircraft production and forge the aeronautic firm’s competitive power.
The 2011–12 school year was a tumultuous time in Florida for education. The state updated the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT 2.0), while in transition to the Common Core State Standards. Burdened by delays in Tallahassee that made obtaining new standards impossible, Vero Beach High continued its use of Response to Intervention (RTI) model. Seymour’s goal was to find a computer-based learning solution that integrates the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, the Common...
Branding and Program Development
Building a coaching brand is like navigating a ship in a stormy sea—of skepticism, cliches and dispassion—to reach the shore of significance where future leaders await release. The journey can be exhilarating if you track the soil of stories in your niche.
The trees around me I now see are people. Wiser than men, they are children. Far from being stones, they sing praises like birds for proof of hearing. Eternity resounds in their hearts of flesh.