Dr. Thomas Heggen

Medical Director and Physician

United States

Dr. Thomas Heggen is a practicing physician. He received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Iowa. He now practices medicine in the Buffalo Grove, IL area. He specializes in vascular surgery, cosmetic and aesthetic surgery and integrative medicine.

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Dr. Thomas Heggen

Dr. Thomas Heggen currently stands as the Medical Director at Northshore Medical Center. He presently serves the Buffalo Grove area and operates at Presence St. Joseph Hospital and Presence St. Joseph Medical Center. His portfolio boasts a career encompassing over 30 years in medicine with a focus on vascular surgery.

Dr. Thomas Heggen on about.me

I am a Vascular Surgeon, Cosmetic Surgeon, and Aesthetic Surgeon in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Visit my website.

Dr. Thomas Heggen - Social Career Builder

Early on in his career as a physician, Dr. Thomas Heggen set his focus on surgical practices. Nearly 40 years after receiving his Doctor of Medicine (MD), Dr. Heggen is an award-winning vascular surgeon in the Buffalo Grove area.

Dr. Thomas Heggen on Behance

Dr. Thomas Heggen is an accomplished Vascular Surgeon. He is backed by a successful career spanning across two decades. He received his degree in Medicine from the Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa. In 2014, he was a recipient of the Patients' Choice award after receiving fantastic commendations from both colleagues and patients.

Dr. Thomas Heggen | Crunchbase

Dr. Thomas Heggen is a healthcare professional with decades of experience. He specializes in vascular surgery and operates within then Buff...