Tessa Clare

Author and Freelance Writer

United States

Tessa Clare is a freelancer, digital nomad, and author. Her young adult debut book, The Divinity Bureau, was released in September 2017 and debuted in the top 40 in three categories on Amazon. Her book has been featured in numerous blogs and publications, including USA Today's Happy Ever After.


The Divinity Bureau

The Divinity Bureau

The Hunger Games meets Romeo and Juliet in this must-read new adult dystopian romance. Debuted in the top 40 in the Romance and Dystopian categories on Amazon!


How to Improve Kidney Function to Avoid Dialysis

One in three Americans are at risk of developing kidney disease - but it remains shockingly undiagnosed. It causes more deaths than breast cancer or prostate cancer - and it can happen at any age, especially if you have risk factors like diabetes, high blood pressure, and genetic factors.

What Teen Dystopian Novels Can Tell Us About The Future

Seven years ago, when I started writing my first dystopian book, the idea of overpopulation seemed so far-fetched that it seemed like the equivalent to writing a fantasy. My book was about overpopulation and a corrupt government bureau that decided who lived and who died.

Personal Essays

Dating as a Digital Nomad - Tessa Clare - Medium

My quest for love takes me across continents. In the last year, I've never spent more than a few weeks in the same city as someone I've dated. While my friends at home have on-and-off flings with their exes, my relationships tend to end with someone getting on an airplane.

What It's Like To Live In Your Car - Tessa Clare - Medium

Half a million people in the US are homeless on a given night. I was one of them. Homelessness often doesn't start with one catastrophic event. Instead, it starts with a series of events - maybe the first whisper of layoffs at your company, your first drink, your first late notice on your electric bill, or the first moment of panic when you realize that you can't afford to pay your rent.