Tami Christian

Freelance Writer / Content Editor / Photographer

United States of America

As an artist, I am blessed with the freedom to share my craft with the world. I have been given the gift of creativity and am able to express unhindered.

I spent years hiding myself from the world, trying to live in the box that was expected by others, and I am now in a place to brake the chains and allow the world to see me. The real me.


Marketing & Editing

September / October Club Newsletter

This is one sample of many. I provided creative direction, editing and content development on all Country Club of Peoria newsletters in addition to writing event marketing advertisements with the help of one other part-time marketing employee.

January / February Club Newsletter

I provided content development, creative direction for layout and article edits in addition to writing marketing advertisements for events for the entire newsletter with the help of one other part-time marketing employee. This is one sample of many.

May 2017 Newsletter

I provided content development, creative direction, editing, and wrote advertising for club events with the help of one other part-time marketing employee. The newsletters went out monthly in the summer and every other month in the fall and winter amounting to eight total yearly.

Sample Résumés

Writing Samples

February Journal

Monthly thoughts as experienced and shared by me.

March Journal
March On!

One writing sample of many. I lost hundreds of articles when examiner.com was taken of the internet.