Savina Petkova

Freelance Film Journalist

United Kingdom

Sex, Meat, Art, Sex Meets Art: Close-Up on "Female Human Animal" on Notebook

Close-Up is a feature that spotlights films now playing on MUBI. Josh Appignanesi's Female Human Animal (2018) is showing in November and December, 2018 in most countries. Substituting the sub- of "subconscious" with the sur- of "surrealism," Josh Appignanesi's new genre-bending documentary is a meditative exploration of psychic visuality.

Electric Ghost Magazine ~ Film as a Guide to Life
Review ~ Cold War | Electric Ghost Magazine ~ Film as a Guide to Life

Worn fingertips play the accordion and a hand roughly slides the bow on a fiddle as Polish peasants perform a song mourning impossible romance. Cold War employs raw and condensed images of song and tradition to convey a yearning for belonging in both a space and a time.

Electric Ghost Magazine ~ Film as a Guide to Life
Review ~ Colette | Electric Ghost Magazine ~ Film as a Guide to Life

olette is a film that casts light upon shadows, a biopic that characterises our time of unravelling female contribution to the notion of Modern art. The underlying message is a skilfull revisiting of history to correct the punctuation mistakes, not history per se.

The Politics of Compilation: Around India with Sandhya Suri

Suri makes the case for a social consensus built on emotional involvement, demystifying the role of cinema as a collector of times past. The work of editing, montage, and subtitling conspire to present an effect that is at once light-hearted, grave, generous, critical, and most of all empathetic.

High Life - Young Critics Workshop - Photogénie - Cinea

Claire Denis' lost in space sci-fi odyssey opens with Biblical overtones resonating in a verdant greenhouse. Themes of fertility, intimacy, and the abstinence from both, are the orchestrating motifs in this(2018). If civilisation is indeed the opposite of nature, as progressivism teaches, Denis' new film becomes somewhat of a meta-narrative, since it overrules nature but establishes a civilisation that is much closer to primitive tribal beliefs.

Wildlife - Young Critics Workshop - Photogénie - Cinea

Brisk honesty in long takes is the main character in actor Paul Dano's debut feature (2018). The anthropomorphised camera is the unnamed sibling in this 1960s American family portrait, based on a novel of the same name by Richard Ford, telling the coming-of-age story of Jerry (Jake Gyllenhaal), Jean (Carey Mulligan), and their son Joe (Ed Oxenbould).