Putri Wijaya

Writer for lifestyle, fashion and beauty articles.


Passionate and versatile writer. Consumed by all things pertaining to fashion, beauty, style and words.

Gogirl! Magazine
Get to Know About Ambivert

Selama ini kita udah sering denger istilah extrovert dan introvert, but what if we don't fall to either categories? Nah, bisa jadi kita termasuk seorang ambivert!

Gogirl! Magazine
Essential Body Care

Siapa sih yang nggak mau punya penampilan yang terawat, sehat dan cantik? Jangan cuma daydreaming aja, karena punya badan yang terawat emang butuh grooming effort dan Gogirl! kasih contekannya di sini!

Cara Ngadepin Haters

Haters can be found anywhere, di sekolah, tempat les, temen nongkrong, bahkan orang-orang yang nggak kita kenal di internet. Negativity can be toxic, but it doesn’t need to affect you. Let’s manage it properly with our tips!

Gogirl! Magazine

This is arguably one of the biggest night on fashion world, and the fashion A-list emerge with their perfect looks!

Gogirl! Magazine
Hippest Music Fest

" And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music" –Nietzche. Menurut survey yang dilakuin Nielsen, ada 32 juta youngster yang dateng paling nggak sekali ke music festival di U.S setiap tahunnya! Here are the reasons why we don’t want to miss out these hippest music festivals!

Gogirl! Magazine
The Squad Formula

This maybe one of the most important thing in our teenage life. Owning a cool squad! Tapi sebenernya squad itu apa sih?

Gogirl! Magazine
Revolutionary for a change

Dalam beberapa kurun waktu terakhir ternyata ada beberapa revolutionary acts yang berpengaruh pada hidup kita. It’s a positive thing that we need to embrace. Apa aja itu?

Hal Kecil Penggangu Kesehatan

Supaya tetap sehat, kita nyoba buat ngurangin junk-food dan nyempetin buat olahraga. Tapi tau nggak sih, ternyata ada hal-hal yang buruk banget buat kesehatan tapi justru sering kita lakuin. These innocent things that we tought perfectly normal eventually becomes a habit. Padahal kalo udah jadi habit, dampaknya nggak main-main lho! Here comes the list of things we need to be watch out!