Michael Colbert

Technical Writer, Freelance

United States of America

Michael is a self-driven innovator constantly looking to better himself and better the world around him. He is a recent graduate from California State University of Long Beach with a Bachelor's in English Literature and a certificate in Technical and Professional Writing from CSULB

Software Community
Community Response Guide

Internal guide for responding to clients in newly developed community forum

Quest Magazine - CSULB Magazine Centered on Technology and Innovation
Cold War In California

When one thinks of the Cold War, sunny Southern California normally doesn't come to mind. Still, during the bleak times of the Cold War, it became a hot spot for aerospace engineering and helped shape the twentieth century.

BQE Software
Settle for 'Satisfied'? Managing Your BQE CORE Account

With all the moving pieces that have to be monitored as part of running your company, sometimes it can be hard to focus on anything other than the necessities: are the lights still on, are my employees happy, and am I still getting paid?

BQE Software
Give Credit Where Credit is Due: How to Use Credits in Core

In a perfect world, everything goes according to plan when running a business. Every project is finished on time and your clients are always satisfied. But this ideal scenario is far from the norm for most companies. More often than not, issues occur which require frequent adjustments to deadline adjustments changes to project designs.

BQE Software
Pay When Paid: A Hidden Project Accounting Gem

Running a business can be exhausting. Not only are you focused on providing a great service or product, but you're also busy juggling all the other aspects of business, such as project accounting, HR , customer service, and business development ( Related: Avoid These 10 Simple Things that Can Put You Out of Business ).

BQE Software
Have Your Employees Police Themselves: Benefits of Gantt Charts in Core

One of the biggest problems employers face is the misuse of resources. On average, projects go over their intended budget by 27% of their intended budget, according to Harvard Business Review. If employees don't know the budget or deadline for a project, it is easy to lose track of time and resources being used.