Matteo Benni

Science Press Officer - University of Bologna


Science press officer, web editor, social media editor.

Bologna will host the Cherenkov Telescope Array headquarters

The future headquarters will be located within the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) - Astrophysics and Space Science Observatory premises, in a building shared with the Bologna University Department of Physics and Astronomy. A reconstruction of some of the telescopes that will animate the Cherenkov Telescope Array. (Foto: G.

Two different phases of Leonardo da Vinci's "Landscape" discovered thanks to a UNIBO Team

Experts detected an otherwise imperceptible roughness on the surface caused by the pressure of the strokes, revealing that some details were added by the artist at a later stage One of the best-known drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, the " Landscape", is the result of two different phases, as the artist appears to have added some details at a later stage.

The University of Bologna is among the top 10 in the world for sustainable development

The Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings, which assesses universities' social impact in terms of sustainable development, place the University of Bologna among the top 10 in the world. The rankings, the only global performance tables of this kind, use the goals set by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as indicators and analyse how universities across the world work to make a positive impact on society.

Strategie (e motivazioni) per un uso sostenibile dello smartphone

Analizzando centinaia di testimonianze, un gruppo di ricercatori ha individuato le quattro principali motivazioni che spingono le persone a ridurre l'uso del telefono, ognuna accompagnata da tattiche specifiche per riuscirci Siamo noi a controllare i nostri smartphone o sono gli smartphone a controllare le nostre vite?

Erasmus+: funding for the University of Bologna increases as the number of outgoing students grows

Europe has rewarded the great results obtained by the University of Bologna in the Erasmus+ programme with funds worth 6.4 million euros to be spent on international mobility, a 1.2 million euro increase (+23%) compared to last year. The announcement was made by the National Agency Erasmus+ INDIRE, which recently valued very positively the University's management of the Erasmus+ mobility programme.

Il supercomputer europeo in arrivo al Tecnopolo di Bologna

La sede bolognese ospiterà uno dei calcolatori di ultima generazione nell'ambito dell'EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, l'impresa comune che acquisirà, creerà e implementerà in tutta Europa un'infrastruttura di calcolo ad alte prestazioni. Il rettore Ubertini: "Bologna, e l'Italia, polo di riferimento europeo per il calcolo scientifico"

The University of Bologna has launched a spin-off that monitors the loss of muscle mass in...

Healthy ageing is one of the biggest challenges of our time, since the increasingly large portion of the population is getting over 65. Mysurable, an innovative startup of the University of Bologna, has developed mioTest®, a system based on simple, effective and scientifically validated tools that identify the risk of sarcopenia - the loss of muscle mass related to ageing -, one of the most important causes of elderly's frailty.

La vista è in grado di "sintonizzarsi" con l'udito e il tatto per aumentare le nostre...

Il sistema visivo riesce a connettersi a livello cerebrale sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda sia del sistema uditivo che di quello tattile, rendendo più efficace la nostra esperienza sensoriale (Foto: Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău / Unsplash) Il sistema visivo umano è in grado di sintonizzarsi sulla lunghezza d'onda di altri sistemi sensoriali, ad esempio l'udito o il tatto, massimizzando così le nostre capacità percettive.