Martina Tondo

fashion journalist


writer and contributor at Lampoon Magazine, Latest Magazine
author focused on the areas of fashion, textiles, design and sustainability

Inquiries: [email protected]

Lampoon Magazine
January 1, 2023
Textiles made with human hair: a wasted resource for the industry?

The design industry could benefit from the use of this natural fiber; but at what cost? Comparing hair and wool, raw materials whose characteristics are alike. The interview with designer Alix Bizet. The rephrasing of human hair out of the bodily context

April 21, 2022
Moda ucraina - alla scoperta di brand sostenibili e da sostenere

La guerra che si combatte in Ucraina causata dall’invasione russa sta devastando gli equilibri socio-politici globali, e sta mettendo in profonda crisi l’economia di un Paese intero. Ecco i marchi moda che fanno parte del panorama ucraino il cui focus è la sostenibilità