Mandy Voisin

Creative, Content Creator, Brand Consultant, Freelance Writer

What started as a way to prove to my parents that English Majors can make a living turned into a passion for writing about the world we live in. An early career start in marketing cemented my ability to write about brands. This has expanded into writing about travel, technology, business, and family. I also get paid by start-ups and flourishing brands alike to reword their brand messaging across all platforms, and creative a cohesive message to customers, along with consulting on image, product design, and social.



The Everymom
What I Wish I Knew About Bringing Home a Second Baby

My rainbow baby Hazel Jane was born on October 10, just one month after her sister Claire turned three. I'd read everything I could get my hands on about welcoming a second child. Articles with titles like, "How to Prevent Your Oldest From Feeling Replaced With a New Baby" and "What You Should Know Before Becoming a Two-Kid Family."

Branding Projects
June Rings Branding

Hired to provide brand consulting and direction for June Rings (formerly Statice Jewelry)

Business Documents

Stratus Client White Paper
Stratus White Paper

This white paper was distributed by Stratus to prospective clients. It also generated hits to the Stratus HR website, elevating their brand to a credible leader in the local industry.