Maggie Cramer

Versatile Writer, Editor, and Communications Specialist

I'm a storyteller, plain and simple. I write stories for print and digital consumer publications and help community nonprofits as well as purpose-driven businesses tell their tales to reach and engage with current and future supporters and customers.

Over the past 15+ years working in journalism and communications, I've written on myriad topics, ranging from healthy aging to growing brassicas and shoemaking to green building. I've interviewed musical acts from Sarah Lee Guthrie to Ladysmith Black Mambazo. And, I've edited children's publications and self-help books alike.

I can't wait to see what the next 15 years have in store...

6 Sleep Tips for "Coronasomnia"

There's no doubt that the pandemic has wreaked havoc on sleep for many of us. For some, worries about health and finances keep us awake. For others-adults and kids alike-the blurred lines between remote work or school and our personal lives make it challenging to know when to step away from the screens and start to relax.

WNC Magazine
A Cinematic Getaway

For location scouts working on big-budget films, the world is their oyster: doors to privately owned estates swing open wide for them; there's no landscape too remote.

Deltec Homes
180 Magazine

Developed and produced content for Deltec Homes' marketing magazine, 180.

Mountain Xpress
Bradley Johnston brings boutique dairy farming to Mills River

If you’re in Mills River and want to talk dairy farming, you go see S.O.B. But don’t be alarmed: Sweet Ol’ Bradley is the locals’ name for Bradley Johnston, a third-generation farmer who knows the industry inside and out.

Bold Life
Creative Anachronisms

The story idea for Leanna Sain's first romance novel came to her on a holiday typically more gruesome than glamorous: Halloween.

Capital At Play
Laying Down Roots

Matt Parris took hummus from a side revenue stream to the company's main course.

Carolina Home + Garden
The Simple Life

Rattle off a list of odd jobs, and chances are Ashley English has held most of them.

Bold Life
Sole Woman

Asheville artisan Jessica Brommer might just be the next big name in shoes. But if her first and last never roll off the tongues of fashionistas, she's okay with it.

ASAP Magazine
2014 Local Food Guide

Developed editorial plan and created content for the annual consumer guide.