Duma Cornel Lucian

Father, Teacher, Social Media Curator and Researcher


Lucian was graduated Eftimie Murgu University from Resita in 2004 . Now he is a teacher and researcher in Caransebes, Romania and in 2013 was selected Microsoft PILTRAINER, he was invited to be Horizon Project Europe Expert Advisory Board member , He is Glogster Edu, SymbalooEdu, Edcanvas, Mendeley Ambassador https://lucianecurator.contently.com . 2 years Lucian was judge, mentor and coach in ThinkQuest Global Projects Competition .
In 2012 he was leader in SMILE Project and in 2010 was leader in TIS Project booth managed by European Schoolnet .
http://xeeme.com/LucianeCurator ;http://bitly.com/LucianEDTechCurator who win a IPAD in Global Competition with PLN help http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorthankyoubecausewinIpad or simply a educator hwo teach SEN students how to integrate new technologies online web 2.0 and Social Media into the classroom http://checkthis.com/fvn/ . Follow https://twitter.com/lucianecurator and http://twitter.com/web20education .Now he write / describe weekly Top 10 http://teacherluciandumaweb20.blogspot.com/ ,and describe daily: curation edtools http://edtech20curationprojectineducation.blogspot.com/ ; startup edtools http://startup4edu.blogspot.com/ , ipad apps http://ipadappsineducationtomlearning.blogspot.com/ .
His #edtech20 project ,, , Teach, learn and play using in a eSafety mode new tools and applications web 2.0 and social media in education 2.0 "finalist project in Elearning Awards 2010;runner up in the cathegory ENISA award for teaching online safety and citizenship sponsorized by Enisa and European Schoolnet .For this project he made many websites and groups using web 2.0 and Social Media in XXI Century Education. This year is the 3 -rd year when Lucian is the coordinator of the project ,, Different, but equal " - He present this project in European Parliament from Bruxelles because whas selected from 44 participants in the 8 finalists in 4 november 2009 http://teacherluciandumaweb20.blogspot.com/2010/01/remember-2009-i-was-finalist-in.html
He was a presenter in Co13 Conference, Global Education Conference 2010 and in CO11 Free Anual Conference on wiziq . Now he live in Caransebes with his wife Simona and Amina daughter
