Having studied abroad in Australia and lived in many different cities, I've come to realize the beauty in stories; the ability to paint a picture with words when a camera won't suffice. I've always loved poetry and writing, but as I became a professional, I realized the beauty in relationships and the reward of helping others find their own story.
I am actively seeking roles in writing and editorial. Having the skills necessary to critically edit and proofread multiple genres, implement publishing processes, and facilitate meetings, I would be an asset to both digital and paper-based publishing interfaces. With a variety of professional backgrounds in meeting planning, marketing, tutoring, and administration, my experiences provide me with proficiencies in communication, organization, grammar, sentence structure, multimedia utilization, and research development that will carry me successfully through any writing or editorial role.
Turn to natural ingredients for helping dry and damaged hair. Whether your customers come in with Shirley Temple curls, a slicked-back pompadour or a multicolored mohawk, how their hair looks and feels says a lot about who they are.
Why products from the sea should have a place on your shelves. With winter upon us, cold air leaves skin feeling rough and dry.
Turmeric is a widely known kitchen staple that is used in foods ranging from curry to ballpark mustard. Turmeric is derived from the rhizomes, or underground stems, of the Curcuma longa plant. Found within turmeric are powerful curcuminoids, which are fat-soluble polyphenolic pigments that give this spice its vibrant yellow color.
Spring Lake Heights, NJ-Located a mile off New Jersey's coast, Nature's Corner Natural Market faced the effects of Hurricane Sandy along with many neighboring stores. With 18 years experience providing healthy, local and fresh natural foods for their community, their mission is to benefit the wellness of their customers and their families.
New York, NY-For more than 15 years, LifeThyme Natural Market has provided customers with the finest natural and organic products. Located in Greenwich Village, the store certainly felt the disabling effects of Hurricane Sandy.
Confidence and health are vital for men and women inside and outside of the bedroom. When sexual desire, performance and health decline over time, we blame age as hormone levels and functionality change. However, the way you feel about yourself doesn't have to change, too.