Kyle Kivett




The Writing Cooperative
31 Tools and Apps Professional Freelancers Can't Live Without in 2016

The struggles of being a freelance writer are real. Outside the confines of an office job, they are left to their own devices. While it is this very freedom and flexibly that lead many to take on the lifestyle of a freelance writer, the daily pressures of being your own boss can require a hefty amount of organization.

4 Major Reasons Millennials Won't Buy a House

Before the housing crash and subsequent recession in the US between 2007-2009, most people considered investing in a home a top priority - a symbol of stability and prosperity. Securing a nice home was a requirement for a successful future. Things have changed.

Budgeting for your dream house

It's been nearly 9 years since the "housing bubble" burst and sent the US real estate market into a tailspin. Americans are more cautious than ever to make the leap to homeownership, especially millennials who have been choosing to rent a home or apartment in the last decade over signing a mortgage for their dream ...

Legal Templates
How to Successfully Start a Nonprofit Business in 6 Steps | Legal Templates

This article is provided by Legal Templates - the web's leading resource for creating free legal documents simply and quickly. We equip people with the right tools to be their own legal advocates. Find out more at Legal Templates " Give me a lever long enough, and I alone can move the world.

YFS Magazine: Startups, Small Business and Entrepreneurship Culture
Top 3 Things Millennials Demand In A Career

A major problem companies face today is retaining the fast-growing millennial workforce. Currently, one in three workers are millennials and they have surpassed Generation X as the largest labor force in the US. Given that 60 percent of these millennials leave their company in less than three years and have a price tag between $15,000 and $25,000 to replace, it makes for a very expensive revolving door.

Dumb Little Man
3 Monumental Startup Disasters And How Entrepreneurs Can Avoid Them

Startup culture and entrepreneurship in the US is on the rise. The darlings of Silicon Valley - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat to name a few - have all started with a simple concept. Along the road of their development, huge fortunes have been gained.

THE RITUAL by Dachi Tea Co.
A Disappearing National Treasure: The Extinction of the Formosan Black Bear

The Formosan black bear (Ursus Thibetanus Formosansus) - Taiwan's largest predator and land animal - is endemic to Taiwan and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The "Moon bear," aptly named after its distinctive white crescent marking on its chest, has sat majestically atop Taiwan's ecosystem throughout the ages.


Freelance Writing

"For whatever we lose, like a you or a me, it's always our self we find in the sea." - E.E. Cummings Artwork by Kyle Kivett

How To Bury Your Social Media After You Die

This infographic helps explain the guidelines for closing down four popular social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It's not as easy as you think!!!

Legal Templates
[INFOGRAPHIC] Have American's Stopped Hating Marijuana? - Legal Templates

There is no doubt that American views for marijuana use have changed and fluctuated over time. In the 1950s, it was reserved for immigrants and beatniks. The 60s and 70s brought the hippie movement who preached flower power and put this plant at the center of their counterculture.
