Kelly Tucciarone

Blogs + Content Strategy = Conver$ions

United States

Need help finding the right words to tell your story?

Let me help you get this done!

Telling your story and connecting with your audience is what I do.

Known side-effects: Positioning your brand as the go-to for your offering; builds and engages the audience; makes it easy for your visitors to chose you.

I help businesses achieve their goals with on-point content for businesses in the training & development, career services, and EdTech industries. With years of experience in each of these industries, I know these audiences well.

With a conversational, sometimes sassy style, I translate your offering into an easily digestible and conversion-focused form of communication. Want to learn more? Click the LinkedIn icon and let's chat to see if we're a fit!

Bobo Strategy
Bobo Strategy, Efficiency Experts, Small Business Consultants

Bobo Strategy is a team of consultants who have been in the trenches of small business since 2010. We started with $15 of capital and built a successful $2M business using proven strategies we developed over the years to become a lean and thriving company.

Think Big SEO Marketing
4 Reasons Starting A Blog Can Be Your Website's Secret Weapon

Want to drive valuable traffic to your business's website? Starting a Blog can do the trick! Many business owners don't want to create a blog because either it takes too much of their time or they don't know what to write about, but don't let this stop you.

Café Quill
Four hacks to destroy shyness and make networking a cakewalk - Café Quill

When networking face-to-face, the shy person struggles more than others. Breaking the ice becomes an arduous task. Whether you were sent to an event to represent your firm, or you're there to network for your business, you need to talk to people. But what should you say? Will you be well received?