Kevin Johnson


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Jameson Camp
Jameson Camp Blog

A daily look at the life of one of Indy's hidden gems, Jameson Camp, seen through the eyes of an AmeriCorps VISTA

Jameson Camp

Recognizing Brad Higgins, Jameson Camp's superhero

Jameson Camp
Thankful for Brent

Farewell and best wishes to beloved staff member Brent Cummins

The Roller-skating Giraffe

Two friends embark on a journey of laughter, literature, and Labradoodles. The Roller-skating Giraffe is a collection of short stories from the colorful mind of Bruce Jackson. His compadre KJ merely typed the words. Give it up for Bruce Jackson, a.k.a. The Black Russian, a.k.a. Ice Tiger. Good shot.

For Reasons Romantic

Suppose Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss had a child. That child might very well be the author of this book. Take a look Captain Hook. For Reasons Romantic is 50% fiction, 50% funny, and 100% good-looking. Just like KJ. Good shot.