Jen Whitfield

Student at AU, Freelance Writer


Freelance writer, student, cat-mom, and empty-nester. Will either be at the beach or staying warm in a Canadian winter.

Newport in the Gilded Age

After trying so desperately to belong on Manhattan's most exclusive avenue in season 1 of The Gilded Age, Bertha Russell, played by Carrie Coon, begins season 2 by acquiring property in Newport, R.I...

Bylines Explained for SEO

Bylines have created hot controversy amongst journalists and SEO experts. Some publications and SEO experts claim that verifying the expertise of the author will increase search rank on Google...

Can't Buy Me Love: The Impact of Inflation on Dating

In a recent survey, 61% of singles think dating is a luxury they can't afford. For reasons that go far beyond money, more and more singles are choosing to quit dating. Technology has dehumanized...

How to Write a Narrative in UX Design

The human brain is hardwired for story through evolution. In fact, fMRI imaging has demonstrated that when it comes to interpreting a story, unique regions of the brain are activated¹. The elements...

Autonomy and Crowd-work: A psychological perspective

· Digital crowd-work platforms like Amazon's MTurk, Clickworker and Microworkers have come under the watchful eye of labor unions and other advocates for their exploitative working conditions.

OMTimes Magazine
Make a Playdate With Your Inner Child - OMTimes Magazine

By Jennifer Whitfield There are so many ways to journey into the spirit and reconnect. And when the world gets too serious, inner child work becomes a wonderful and accessible tool for reconnection and playfulness. The inner child is alive in a space that is untouched by time, and while it may require healing, is also carefree and ready for fun.