Julia John

Environmental Journalism Intern, Wildtech-Mongabay

United States of America

I'm a recent college graduate with a degree in environmental studies, a lot of college writing classes and experience writing for school and local publications under my belt. I currently cover conservation technology for the environmental news site Mongabay. I'm looking for an entry-level environmental or science reporting job, preferably at a print or online publication.

Mongabay Environmental News
Could conservation education in virtual reality help change the real world?

Through your big black helmet, you witness the massive bodies of redwoods rise before you from the emerald undergrowth like an ancient congregation. A cool breeze breathes by, rustling the leaves. Stellar's jays hop in the canopy, their cacophonous calls grating against the chorus of insects chirping in the shadows on the ground.

Mongabay Environmental News
Undercover robots: On a mission to stop poaching

When we think of poaching, trapped, slaughtered and mutilated apes, big cats, pachyderms and other tropical animals fallen prey to the multi-billion dollar global black-market wildlife trade usually come to mind. But unlawful hunting doesn't just claim lives abroad.

Mongabay Environmental News
Getting SMART about Wildlife Crime

Judging by his army green forester's uniform, baseball cap emblazoned with a tiger head on the front and WWF panda logo on the side, and wildlife law enforcement experience, you wouldn't think Jampel Landhep grew up shooting endangered animals.