Jim B

Web Content Writer

United States

Hi, I am a content writer that specializes in writing about digital marketing. After earning my BA in Professional Writing in 2019, I began writing service pages and sales copy for SEO agencies which is my passion.

Hustle Harder

Interested in the self-help genre and psychology, I combine such knowledge with my experience of TBI Recovery, & writing skillset, If there are things you want to accomplish in life but haven't yet, what's stopping you? Many will undoubtedly say not enough time, but even if you need to wake up an hour earlier each morning, your future self will thank you, no?

Why Web Development?

With an interest in becoming a professional writer, I earned my BA in Professional Writing, while teaching myself web design. If you ever wondered why a business needs a website, here is your answer: Many people-particularly young people-are tech-savvy and turn to Google when looking for a service.

Discussion of Death Ground

Have you ever questioned whether you could have accomplished more with your life? Or wonder about the most effective way to achieve your dreams? As a writer, the question certainly is not lost on me. It is far too easy for us to reach a certain level in our lives and become complacent.

Manufacture a Magnificent Obsession

Interested in the self-help genre and psychology, I tend to read up on the topic. What's more, it is actionable information to practice. If you are unsure what career path you want to take in life or are unsatisfied with your current job, this is a discussion worth exploring.

Determined to Do It

Additionally, there is nothing worse than giving up. We have all, after all, heard the saying that it is better to try and fail than to never have tried at all. And, there is the genre of the Glorious Defeat in the study of warfare.

Craft Your Own Character Arc

Lastly, we might imagine ourselves as the author of our own story. If we want the main character to develop-to become an improved person-we must create obstacles for her. If in contrast, she spends all her nights sitting comfortably on the couch, she will remain the same person.

Believe to Achieve: 4 Mindsets for Accomplishing Your Goals

After surviving an auto accident (2013), I learned the power of positivity, relearned how to walk, and earned a BA in professional writing. Do you have something you would really like to achieve? The more difficult the challenge, the more significant the satisfaction you'll experience once you accomplish it.

Overcome the Haters

Interested in the self-help genre and psychology, I tend to read up on the topic. What's more, it is actionable information to practice. We have all undoubtedly encountered passive-aggression at one point or another and undoubtedly will again. Thus, it pays off for us to know how to effectively deal with such individuals.

Obstacles as Opportunities

TBI survivor & professional writing major. Surviving an auto accident (2013), I learned the power of positivity, relearning to walk. In Ernest Hemingway's novel A Farewell to Arms, we read, "The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places."

To Deal With TBI

Surviving an auto accident (2013), I learned the power of positivity, relearning to walk & earning my BA in Professional Writing. Have you ever watched the news and heard the term Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? It is likely, as U.S. soldiers often return home with TBI's, wounded from roadside bombs.