Heather Seely

Sustainability│Food│Agriculture - Freelance Content Writer

United States

My hands are either on the keyboard or in the dirt. This planet is my muse and sharing stories is what I do.

With 6+ years experience in content production, you can catch me ferociously typing away about sustainable food systems, organic agriculture, eco-friendly lifestyles, zero waste living, permaculture, environmental justice - and much more.

Pela Earth
10 Environmental Issues in California and Their Global Impact

You don't even have to pull out one of your favorite climate change books to know how global warming is impacting our world. The effects of climate change are reported about in our news, shared on social media, and talked about in movies and on the radio.

How Coconut Is Changing Lives In Colombia

Coconuts. Even if you're not a fan of piña coladas, one of its main ingredients is making its way into many aspects of our lives-lattes, dairy-free ice cream, even leggings and toothpaste. But in some coastal regions of Colombia, this hard stony drupe is making it into the lives of thousands in a much more meaningful way.

Pela Earth
43 Ways to Be Sustainable: Easy, Eco-Tips Anyone Can Follow

When it comes to ways to reduce your carbon footprint, the options are endless. No, living a sustainable life doesn't necessarily mean growing all of your own food, trading your car for public transportation, or buying only the best eco-friendly products.

Blue & Green Tomorrow
Carbon Offsets for Flights: What are They and are They Worth It?

Global air traffic is on the rise, and 2020 is expected to set a new record—an estimated 4.72 billion passengers will fly this year. Aviation accounts for 2% of total greenhouse gas emissions; even short-haul flights are responsible for huge amounts of CO2. In fact, there are return flights that generate more CO2 than some countries produce in a year!

Is Organic Food Worth It? - Tamborasi

It's no secret that organic food is more expensive than the conventional alternatives. While many of us want to enjoy only natural and organic foods, the higher price tags generally get in the way of us sneaking that bunch of organic bananas into our shopping carts.

Elephant Journal
How to Save the World while Drinking Coffee.

I remember when I first read it-the article that informed me that my two cups of coffee a day required the beans from 18 trees every single year. It had to be a typo. Aren't coffee trees big? Surely one tree would support my caffeine addiction.

Three Reasons To Feel Hopeful In 2017 | 1 Million Women

People a​re working together to find innovative ways to combat planetary warming, leaders from all over the world are emerging to take a stand, and we are starting to see a shift away from our fossil fuel dependency. So here's a few reasons why, you too, can feel hopeful about 2017.