Advertising Campaigns
Copywriter and content professional with a wealth of experience in producing advertising, technical product and editorial copy.
With a professional command of German and a flawless feel for the English language, I've produced dozens of campaigns across two countries. Particular achievements include producing copywriting campaigns for The Sun, Sky and Coca-Cola in the UK; and Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Opel and L'Oreal in Germany.
Advertising Campaigns
In-app advertisement completed for The Sun in December 2015, designed to encourage users to download the Sun+ app.
Brand awareness campaign for 7UP that was published over the KWIZZAD platform.
As part of the launch of TVSMILES' latest advertising platform, I produced a series of brochures and giveaways for the sales team to hand out at DMEXCO 2016.
A download and lead generation campaign for British betting conglomerate, Ladbrokes. Campaign was published through the KWIZZAD mobile advertising platform.
A lead generation campaign prepared and published on behalf of Sainsbury's and The Huffington Post
A series of articles I wrote for Ernst & Young, as part of their Startup Challenge 2016. The articles went on to be published both online and in brochure format.
A press release written for the launch of Ernst & Young's Startup Accelarator Programme in January 2016.
An editorial campaign written to increase user retention. The subject of the copy was wealthy celebrities. The tone was meant to humorous.
A one page advertisement I prepared on behalf of Sammic. Advert was published in Chaat! Magazine.
Brand Development & Web Pages