Craig Taylor

Copywriter and marketing professional

United Kingdom

Copywriter and content professional with a wealth of experience in producing advertising, technical product and editorial copy.

With a professional command of German and a flawless feel for the English language, I've produced dozens of campaigns across two countries. Particular achievements include producing copywriting campaigns for The Sun, Sky and Coca-Cola in the UK; and Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Opel and L'Oreal in Germany.


Advertising Campaigns

The Sun+ Conversion Campaign

In-app advertisement completed for The Sun in December 2015, designed to encourage users to download the Sun+ app.

Advertiser and Publisher Prospectus

As part of the launch of TVSMILES' latest advertising platform, I produced a series of brochures and giveaways for the sales team to hand out at DMEXCO 2016.

Ladbrokes Lead Generation Campaign

A download and lead generation campaign for British betting conglomerate, Ladbrokes. Campaign was published through the KWIZZAD mobile advertising platform.

Ernst & Young
E & Y Startup Challenge 2016

A series of articles I wrote for Ernst & Young, as part of their Startup Challenge 2016. The articles went on to be published both online and in brochure format.

TVSMILES Editorial Campaign

An editorial campaign written to increase user retention. The subject of the copy was wealthy celebrities. The tone was meant to humorous.

Chaat! Magazine
Sammic Circular Advertisement

A one page advertisement I prepared on behalf of Sammic. Advert was published in Chaat! Magazine.

Brand Development & Web Pages