Catherine Amezquita

Experimental Poetry, Vignettes, Short Stories

United States of America

My name is Catherine Amezquita. I am a Los Angeles native, strange girl, intersectional feminist, and proud chicana. As a granddaughter of two sets of Mexican immigrants I stand tall, proud, and very brown. As young woman I refuse to shut up about my rights as a young woman. I have a right to choose what happens to my body from a medical standpoint and to not be subjected to violence as well as to be my emotionally independent and financially sound. We have agency.

I like to think that my writings reflect the struggles of immigrants, people of color, Mexican women, women in general, as well as the struggles of adolescent girls. One of my biggest accomplishments is being a young woman in this time in history. Nothing about our situation is easy and we must stand strong and united. Women of color must be at the front and center of the feminist movement and I hope my writing can help bring us there.


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