What's Included

Stand Out

Featured listing in the journalism portfolio database.

Get Advice

Comprehensive portfolio review from a job search expert.

Kickstart Your Search

Build your skills with access to our course library.

Stand Out To Potential Employers

Find yourself right at the top of the list.

Move to the top of searches in the Clippings.me Journalism Directory, for instant visibility to the recruiters, commissioning editors and others searching for the right fit for their role.

As a subscriber, you’ll appear highlighted and above all other Clippings.me members in both specific searches (e.g. “fashion journalists new york”) and in the category listings (e.g. our Fashion beat pages).

Get Started

Get Advice

Have your portfolio reviewed by an expert.

Seven days after signing up for Clippings.me Career Success, we’ll conduct a thorough review of your profile and provide you with recommendations to make it even stronger. We’ll cover the basics such as spelling and grammar, but also provide advice on your biography section and the mix of clippings you’ve included on your page.

Our tailored, practical guidance — packed full of advice from industry experts and current/former hiring managers — will help ensure that you’ve built a portfolio that shines.

Get Started

Kickstart Your Career Search

Build skills that enhance your employability.

Get our top-rated Launchpad courses absolutely free, for as long as your Clippings.me Career Success package is live. Taught by industry experts and offering content ranging from social media for journalists to coding for bloggers, these courses normally retail from $179 and are a great way to brush up on your skills and add some sparkle to your resume ahead of an interview.

Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens at the end of my free trial?

Your membership will automatically renew at the end of the free trial. You can cancel any time ahead of this by visiting the billing page.

Can I cancel or change my plan later on?

Yes - you can downgrade or upgrade your plan at any time.

How long are your contracts?

Clippings.me plans are paid monthly or yearly. The Clippings.me Career Success plan is only available monthly. We make it simple to start — and stop — your service at any time.

How long does the portfolio review service take?

You'll receive the review of your portfolio from one of our experts between seven and 14 days after your signup to Clippings.me Career Success.


Our support team is available 24/7. Visit our Help & Support Center to contact them.

"A professional package that makes using the site more intuitive and, quite frankly, makes it something you can be proud to link to or use as a digital resume."

Karen Fratti 10,000 Words