Brooke Matejka

Educator, Writer

United States


I am currently a high school educator. I am an alumnus of Princeton Seminary where I focused my studies on gender, sexuality, spirituality, and religion. I learned a love for poetry and prose at Missouri State University where I studied creative writing and religious studies.

Justice Unbound
Divine Nebula: Reimagining Advent - poetry collection

Maiden yet a mother She knew sitting in the pew there is no way this is the whole story. Just as Mary pondered all the joys in her heart, secretly, she knew she held the grief too, somewhere. Maybe in her hair when she dyed it three days after seeing those two thin lines hoping no one would recognize her in the halls at school. When she told her cousin they both felt something like excited scrolling through cute outfits online, getting quiet passing the ones that make passes at...

The Institute for Christian Socialism
An Indecent Advent - The Bias Magazine

Gustavo Gutiérrez, "Jesus shows himself to be such precisely in the measure that he is present via those who are the absent, anonymous people of history - those who are not the controllers of history, namely, the mighty, the socially acceptable, 'the wise and the learned.'" - The God of Life In Gustavo Gutiérrez's beloved meditation on the poor in The God of Life, he tells us that if we long to grasp God's revelation in Jesus, we must understand that God came into the world among the poor and...

"Amos' Warning to Israel" 2022 Lenten Devotional

Our Spiritual Journey The Lenten season takes us along a path that is paved with deep spiritual meaning. With a pinch of luck and the grace of God, we will be brought along this journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday by reflecting on the words written by nearly 50 community members.

Car Ride Questions

When I would ask why milk went bad or why my teacher thought the sky was blue when I had seen it pink and gray and green too, or why we got sad, my mom would say- we just can't ... Read More