Bansri Pandey

Freelance Writer

India, Nepal

I am an architect who is in love with writing.
If you would like to get in touch with me, drop me a line at [email protected]


Blogs and Articles

Social Media Initiative
Mero Pratibimb

An initiative for enthusiastic Nepali poets. हामी माझ लुकेर रहेका, तर परिचय नपाएका साहित्तिक सर्जकहरुलाई उजागर गर्नु नै यस मन्चको उद्देस्य हो ।

Award winning article
Sense of Place

Winner of 3rd prize in international essay competition organized by University of Melbourne, Australia in 2004. It is an enchanting story of the streets of a small village called 'Mandawa'.

Articles in the publication "INSITE"

Articles in the publication "SPACES"

Spaces Nepal
Carl Pruscha

Architect's contribution in nepal

Articles in the publication "CJI"

Contribution as an Editor

Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers and Architects, India
Institute Newsletter

Contribution as an editor and chairman of the newsletter committee