Angela Mooney, MBA

Business Development & Marketing Expert

My contributions span acrossmany notable organizations including NASA Tournament Labs, LonelyPlanet, Zappos, Coca-Cola, Forbes, and others.I firmly believe the art of collaboration and transparent communication allows organizations to innovate and drive results rapidlywithin any existing infrastructure.

I enjoy guiding the growth and development by overseeing the direction of lean virtual environments leveraging the capabilities of existing human capital.The smartest people on the team, work for someone else, the best we can work to expose that, the better we are as a collective genius.

Home - EntrepreLancers

Entrepreneurship - It doesn't have to be lonely Virtual Assistant Delegation Strategy With a multitude of options for Virtual Assistant firms, it's important to understand everyone's capabilities and abilities to innovate. Create a delegation strategy that empowers you to do more with less. Business Development Process Development Business Development is the driving force behind every ...

Content Samples

Building Customer Relationships with Customer Data - EntrepreLancers

Effective communication with recurring customers presents several opportunities for evolving a business model thanks to the current advancements in technology. From Social Media platforms to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, data accessibility has become incredibly easy for organizations reviewing past performance to improve interactions and reduce churn within current customer lists.

Using CRM Systems to Reduce Churn - EntrepreLancers

CRM systems create ease for businesses utilizing data to improve systems and processes. Not only is it helpful with respect to nurturing new leads, but it also allows organizations to understand churn rates and how to keep churn at a minimum. So what is churn?

Don't Walk Your Buyer's Journey Alone - EntrepreLancers

If you only focus on closing, you are not adding value. Focusing on a niche has produced the most value over the last few years due to market thorough buyer segmentation practices. When businesses focus on what they genuinely care about, it becomes easier to reach your audience.

Conversations With A Stranger - Angela Mooney - Medium

It was lunchtime on the East Coast as I sat alone at a bistro working quietly from my laptop with my phone glued to my side. The beautiful weather and outdoor work environment paired with a wireless connection is the millennial's dream for remote work.

What I've Learned About Success After 12 Years in Startups

12 years ago, if someone would tell me that it would take working a part of several failed startups and getting laid off was a requirement in my journey to success, would you think I would be crazy enough to embark on the same path?