Ayush Peddireddi


United States of America

Aftermath - Ayush Peddireddi - Medium

If one were to conduct a poll of the most controversial books read in high school, there is little doubt that The Scarlet Letter would rank amongst the top, nestled snugly between Hamlet and Catcher in the Rye. With its antiquated verbiage and largely stagnant plot, generations of adolescents have long despised its supposedly soporific qualities.

The Pregnant Male Fallacy: An inspection of Octavia Butler's Bloodchild

Link to text: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/chap1/bloodchi.htm?noredirect=on *Bloodchild was published in 1984 and received critical acclaim upon its release, including the 1984 Nebula Award and the 1985 Hugo Award. Reproduction is a hallmark of animal and human life, as it provides a medium by which one's species propagates forward.