Amber Kelner

Written Content Creator & Copy Editor

United States

I love words. Writing them, reading them, editing them - all things I not only do every day, but truly enjoy doing every day. A degree in journalism and years of experience later, I'm looking for a way to make your voice heard and improve on YOUR words, whether it be through writing or editing.

Marketing Agency Client
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

A blog discussing women's pelvic floor issues and the benefits of pelvic floor physical therapy

Marketing Agency Client
Breast Reconstruction

Content describing the process of breast reconstruction after a lumpectomy or mastectomy

Marketing Agency Client
The History of Botox

A blog that digs into the history of Botox and how it can be used today

Marketing Agency Client
Balloon Kyphoplasty

Content for an interventional medicine client that describes the process of khyphoplasty