Alex Lopez

Recent Graduate

United States

I recently graduated from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) with my Bachelor's. I majored in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and minored in Writing. I am currently pursuing a career in technical writing.

Umich Microwaves

I created this website to help students at U of M (Ann Arbor) find microwaves around campus. There aren’t any similar resources about U of M microwaves, so I had to find all these microwaves myself by exploring campus. In addition to writing the text and formatting the visual elements, I also designed a custom Google map and drew original vector art. Because students would frequently reference this site on mobile devices, I designed both desktop and mobile versions of the site.

Technical Writing Blog [WIP, placeholder link/name]

A blog where I humorously analyze and critique the technical documents around me. I examine a variety of types of technical documents across different posts. Each post provides an insightful takeaway for other technical writers.

MCDB 423
CO2 Pad Protocol and Cheat Sheet

This protocol explains how to operate a CO2 Pad, an important tool in neurobiological research. A CO2 Pad constantly emits CO2, allowing you to easily anesthetize fruit flies for experiments. I collaborated on this piece with the professor of the Behavioral Neurobiology Lab at U of M, Jill Haenfler. I was taking the class and noticed that many students had trouble understanding and remembering the steps, so I asked if I could write a revised protocol. I significantly revised the...

Google Docs
Pathfinder Character Creation Guide [WIP]

An in-depth guide to creating a character for the Pathfinder tabletop role-playing game. This character creation system is very complex and difficult for new players to learn. I've reorganized and rewritten the rules to more accurately reflect how experienced players go about character creation.