Alessia Manzoni


United Kingdom

We Are The Mad Men Now: Co-Creation In Advertising

It is strange how people don't really think about advertising. As something that touches our lives every day, you would imagine more of us would take a moment to think about how and by whom it is created.

Alexa And Siri Can Pick Up Secret Messages Undetectable By Humans

Researchers have managed to hide this message in an audio clip that is detectable by smart devices like Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant, but not by the human ear. A study conducted at the University of California, Berkeley, has demonstrated that the command can be embedded directly into a voice recording that, to the listener, sounds like "without the dataset the article is useless."

Alessia Manzoni
Escape from the West End: the best independent theatres in London

TV package for City International News, October 2017. With: Valentina Cipriani Posted in Portfolio, Uncategorized Made in Italy. Adopted by London. In any case, all-round European. Obsessed with politics, political communication and travel. I'm a journalist in the making and a subeditor at heart. Fact-checking is my drug.