Andre Johnson

Founder, Noise Without Borders Magazine

United States of America

Growing up, a substantial part of my time would be spent listening to music, anything that sounded interesting, I would obsess over.

If you told me I would be running a small e-zine years ago, my response would just be surprise.

Nowadays I try helping out artists get more exposure, no matter their output, sound, genre or country of origin-hence "without borders".

Late To The Party: A Quick note on Bitcoin

Written by: A.K. Johnson ​Note: I am not an economist nor am I an expert when it comes to cryptocurrency. Heed my advice at your own discretion, I'm just a concerned layman. Ever since 1971, the American dollar has been nothing but fiat money, a piece of paper backed by nothing but our country's...

Bunker Magazine
Beness Aijo: The Black Lenin - Bunker Magazine

LUHANSK (Littera Report)- With the war in the Donbass region of Ukraine a distant memory in Western media, it'd be forgiven if one were to be surprised that it's still raging on. Being an American myself, the whole situation was one I never understood or even bothered to look into, that is, until I found out about a peculiar fighter: Beness Aijo.