Garth Hogan

My Work As A Writer & Editor

United States


Press Releases

Can chemicals produced by gut microbiota affect children with autism?

Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have significantly different concentrations of certain bacterial-produced chemicals, called metabolites, in their feces compared to children without ASD. To publicize this release, I developed a special media list of autism-focused journalists.


Other Writings

American Society for Microbiology
ASM Weekly Newsdigest

This is an example of the weekly news roundup for distribution to ASM members. I compiled the Newsdigest for over 300 issues.

Milestones in Microbiology

I wrote articles about Society news, events and publications for Microbe magazine. This brief article provides an update on the Milestones in Microbiology program.


Bacteria implicated in stress-related heart attacks

Stress has long been thought to trigger heart attacks, but the mechanism is unknown. Now, researchers think that bacteria could play a role. A study published today in mBio suggests that stress hormones can break up mats of bacteria growing on the fatty plaques in arteries, releasing the plaques and causing strokes or heart attacks.

Can Bacteria Make You Smarter?

Do you know that feeling you get when you're done with work for the day and take those first few steps out the office door? I always thought that happy, alert sensation was simply the satisfaction of being done with work for the day or feeling the sun on my face.

New Scientist
Eat bacteria to boost brain power

Could playing in the dirt make you smarter? Studies in mice suggest that it could. Mice given peanut butter laced with a common, harmless soil bacterium ran through mazes twice as fast and enjoyed doing so.

Got beer? Thank a microbiologist

WASHINGTON - A beer drinker looking to quench his thirst might not give a second thought to what microbiologists call "the master ingredient" in beer. "I think the typical consumer doesn't really think about the yeast, but if it goes wrong they'll definitely know it was a yeast problem," says Rebecca Newman, quality control manager for Dogfish Head Craft Brewery.

NBC News
Germs in the Gut May Affect Autism, Study Finds

Bacteria living in the intestines and colon may affect symptoms of autism by breaking down important message-carrying chemicals, researchers reported Monday. They found that children with autism have a very different make-up when it comes to gut germs, compared to children without autism.